<<<<<<< Updated upstream emacs-hacks ======= emacs-hacks >>>>>>> Stashed changes


Table of Contents

I'm using Spacemacs: Emacs advanced Kit focused on Evil in 2023

Spacemacs cheat sheet

<<<<<<< Updated upstream

1. Magit Background/highlight fixes


1. Magit Background/highlight fixes

>>>>>>> Stashed changes

from https://ogbe.net/emacs/minimal.html#Magit


(use-package magit
  :ensure t
  (("C-x g" . magit-status))
  (setq magit-push-always-verify nil)
  ;; fix color issue
  (set-face-attribute 'magit-section-highlight nil
                      :background "#3a3a3a")
  (set-face-attribute 'magit-branch-current nil
                      :foreground "black"
                      :background "gold"))
<<<<<<< Updated upstream

2. Org Mode Workflow


2. Org Mode Workflow

>>>>>>> Stashed changes
  • [ ] Get Things Done with Emacs - 5 part series:
    1. capture to inbox
    2. Clarify - sort inbox, structure for actions
    3. Organize - refile to correct notebook
    4. Review -
    5. Engage - agenda and working on tasks
  • [ ] Org-mode Workflow: A Preview ยท Jethro Kuan - 4 part series:
    1. capture to inbox
    2. Processing the inbox
    3. <<<<<<< Updated upstream
    4. zettelkasten with Org mode
    5. Automatic org-publish
    6. =======
    7. [BROKEN LINK: bbaf001c-becd-449f-83bd-596ccc0821cb] with Org mode
    8. Automatic [BROKEN LINK: 44822519-111c-4758-bfa4-44ea11367c12]
    9. >>>>>>> Stashed changes
<<<<<<< Updated upstream

3. Org Config Hints [0/4]


3. Org Config Hints [0/4]

>>>>>>> Stashed changes

at first startup after new install, you should run

<<<<<<< Updated upstream

3.1. emacs on android

======= <<<<<<< Updated upstream

3.2. he did the LSP-Docker Thingy for C++/Clang


3.2. he did the LSP-Docker Thingy for C++/Clang

>>>>>>> Stashed changes
<<<<<<< Updated upstream

3.3. emacs and ssh keys


3.3. emacs and ssh keys

>>>>>>> Stashed changes
<<<<<<< Updated upstream

Author: fschl

Created: 2023-02-13 Mon 19:14


Created: 2023-04-19 Wed 13:47

>>>>>>> Stashed changes
